Community Outreach


Reaching out with the love of Christ is an integral part of each of our ministries at St. Paul's. Outreach is an important aspect of our life of faith and we strive to respond to needs we witness in our ocmmunity, our country and our world on an ongoing basis.

We also have some scheduled events and opportunities that inspire us to seek and share the love of God in unique ways.

Soupendipity Lunches

Our Soupendipity Lunches are well known and loved in the area. Every other Tuesday during the colder months the community is welcomed in for soup, sandwiches and a time of fellowship life no other. The cost is $10.

There is always room at the table for one or more!

The first Sunday of each month we take in a special offering for the West Carleton Access Center as we support our neighbours.

Sharing Kitchen

Our Sharing Kitchen provides meals and treats to those experiencing challenging times. Our members drop off meals and baked goods to our freezer and these are then shared amongst the community. Those in need of meals are asked to contact Rev. Debbie.

Repeat Performance Boutique

Our Repeat Performance Boutique offers gently used clothing at very reasonable prices and thanks to our wonderful volunteers is open on Thursday and Saturday mornings. We also have a wide variety of garage sale items.

Pastoral Care Ministry

The Pastoral Care Team along with the minister provides support for those requiring visits and / or calls. If you are aware of someone in need of a visit, or would like a visit yourself, please contact the church office. We would be pleased to hear from you.

Prayer Shawls

The Prayer Shawl Group knits and crochets shawls as tokens of care and connection that are tangible reminders of the congregations' concern for those going through rough times and celebration with those experience new joys.


We are pleased to be twin'ing with Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa to support the people of Ukraine. By working together we continue to find ways to raise funds and deepen our relationships with one another.